Day 2 - The Fatigue and Brain fog are REAL

I woke up three hours ago but only got out of bed to use the bathroom, then laid in bed for another hour. It was such a contrast from Day 1 which had nausea but I felt motivated, but now I feels so "blah" and I don't want to move. I had a slight stomach ache, and a few burps, but this "blah" feeling is so prevalent. It's like I took a giant dose of melatonin or benadryl and just want to sleep and/or daydream. Almost dissociating. I don't know if I would be able to work like this. I did manage to convince myself to lift some weights, but I almost sat today out as a day of just rest and doing nothing. Mornings seem to be the roughest part but hopefully it subsides.

I drink at least a gallon of water a day from a big convenient water bottle, eating smaller meals regularly and trying to focus more on protein rather than carbs!

I've read and heard people splitting doses into biweekly to help ease effects. And also injecting into their thigh instead of abdomen. I'm heavily considering those two options, but as for the thigh injection, I've heard people feel the appetite suppressant effects less as well. Or maybe I should just push through the first few weeks? We'll see..