Curious to hear from semaglutide users without a gallbladder!

Hello everyone! First of all, I'd just like to say seeing all the progress in this sub is so inspiring.

Secondly, I have yet to go on semaglutide, but lost my gallbladder a few years ago due to gallstones (caused by a separate health issue.) Are there any people in here on semaglutide that don't have a gallbladder? I heard some people have run into issues with their gallbladder AFTER going on semaglutide. My worry is I just don't want the drug to attack a more essential organ or something since I don't have a gallbladder. Plus, not having a gallbladder sucks because I often get diarrhea from eating literally anything. Anyways, I could yap about my lack of a gallbladder for hours... 😅