All hell breaks loose when you waste your seed
If you constantly release your seed, you might notice that life just becomes a grind. Shit just goes wrong everywhere you go. You hit every red light, you're likely to fail that test, women and people in general go cold on you, it's 100x harder to get someone's attention in any situation, you may even notice yourself leaving your keys in your car or (literally) tripping on something small. Your patience for the little things diminishes. Life just becomes dreadful for awhile. When I retain for 14+ days, my life starts to become increasingly easier. My mind is sharp, I have the energy to chase my goals, people are kinder and attracted to me, my wealth increases, awkward things don't happen as frequently. I could go on. It's obvious which path to take. God punishes those who lust and waste their seed while blesses those who are chaste. PMO and regular sex is a weapon that the elites use against you. They want you to participate in it as much as possible to remain weak and docile. There's a reason why it's completely free. Stay on the path. Fight back.