The last image of season 2 episode 1

Noticed some things in the image.

At the bottom are 5 sets of boxes. The 4 on the bottom are WO, DR, FC, and MA... or Woe, Dread, Frolic, and Malice. O1 through O5 are the bins they put the bad numbers in.

It also shows medical vitals on the left middle. It has HR sitting at 80 beats per minute, SPO of 97, Temp of 98.6. Alarm is silenced. Not sure what RFSP means nor what the third value is.

Then finally there is in the bottom right PCKT RATE, which I am assuming means packet rate IE data transfer, but could be something else. Also time and duration. Time is interesting being 01:01:13:14, Duration is also 4 colon seperated values, but the one for hours is at 25. What does the first field represent?