New mantra: it’s not wasted time if you learned something
I will be repeating that a lot today.
Pictures of my fourth project, completed (kinda) yesterday after I got my machine back from the shop. (Only to learn that I hadn’t thrown off the timing, I just had the foot on wrong. But that’s another post.)
Simple t-shirt pattern. Cut it out and then realized it really needs stretchy fabric because it goes on over the head. So I adjusted to add an opening with velcro on the shoulder. Then realized there’s also a neckband, adjusted that as well. Learned what works and doesn’t in such adjustments, as well as how to attach velcro. Sorry, “hook and loop fasteners.” And learned to take seriously what the pattern says about what fabrics to use.
Decided I didn’t want to struggle with a rolled hem or twin needle stitching (not yet having a twin needle) so learned to use the overlock stitch on my machine. It didn’t go badly for a first try.
Instructions just said “set in the sleeves.” It was a free pattern, so no complaints there. Learned what that means, and which edge to attach. Didn’t go badly in the end.
Attached the neckband. Realized it was backwards. And it’s almost impossible to rip out because the fabric threads are almost indistinguishable from the sewing thread and it was getting late. Came back this morning and tried it on before doing anything else. Too small. I’m tossing it, may recycle the fabric for another small thing.
So yes, lots of time spent learning a few good lessons. Right? The fabric was a gift from a neighbor on Buy Nothing so I’m not out $ and I tried the pattern on this first because I knew I should practice.
But damn, it would be nice to have something concrete to show for all that effort.
Pictures: View of the top, sleeve, added velcro, and the disastrous neckband.