Payment Options
I am pretty new to this line of work and currently I do cash only but I get asked a lot about Apple Pay, CashApp, PayPal, and Venmo. When I first started out in like June I was able to have a CashApp that used my alias name but somehow CashApp linked my personal account with my alias account and I have been banned from CashApp. So my question is how do you take payments other than cash but make sure your personal information stays protected? I can’t risk someone finding out my real name due to the line of work I am in outside of sex work. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
P.S. please don’t get upset that I just do sex work on occasional weekends to help pay tuition for college and sometimes for extra spending money. I know that many sex workers this is their lively hood and I don’t mean to take away from them. I just enjoy getting to fulfill my partner/Dominants kink for being with a sex worker and being able to afford occasional fun.