How many pimps are there that actually

get involved with escorts and make their lives BETTER? There’s this guy that I really like but is making me feel like I need to step up and give him my money like the 3 other women he’s dealing with are. I tried to communicate with him recently about him ignoring my texts and he didn’t respond until I got upset, telling me that he’s “not going to deal with someone working off of emotions and not bringing anything to the table he’s sitting at”. This obviously made me feel like crap as he never treated me this way before but now that other women are around I’m basically nothing. I know… I probably sound ridiculous and desperate… blame it on my daddy issues.

What I want to know is, would this even be worth it? Would giving him my money actually get me anywhere in life? I have seen situations where girls have pimps and get further in life but idk… this just doesn’t feel like that. If y’all have to go in on me, please do. I need some sense put into me. Lol