Alright I think its time to address this

So I'm one win away from winning the high stakes cupid thing. ONE WIN. My last round was a laggy SOB, and was having connection issues every other second. Nevertheless, I was up 3-1 and managed to get his last champion down to about 30% before I lost my first character. At the start of round 4, he lagged so bad it kicked him out of the game. And it ended in a DRAW. I'm sorry, but I DESTROYED him that game. If someone disconnects, can Nekki figure out a way to implement a way to automatically give the win to whoever had the most champions? Me not winning that game ended up costing me the tournament as well, because how in the heck do you beat a berserk Ironclad that can regenerate health. Spoiler alert, its not easy. And he also had widow, so one shadow move later and I'm done