Rant: this subreddit is full of snowflakes, and hypocrits

Probably some of you will get offended reading this, but tbh i no longer care. I am so annoyed! Every second post is like "ban this guys" "He insulted an entire country!" "She used a slur to my god!" Etc... Litterally, who cares? If he insults you by litterally your name, and calls you out, maybe than its worth to be angry, but its not the case. Like report him if you really want to, but just move on. Its just a game. And this sub is not r/banthisguybecauseheisoffensive but r/shadowfightarena! Post about the game! Post clips! Post how you beat a guy with an offensive name!

Tl;DR: stop posing about offensive names, noone cares.