If you believe that the last two episodes will be worth it let me tell you why they wont

A number of people in this sub have expressed their dissatisfaction with the series. Some loved it and some other not so much and every opinion is well respected. A very big percentage is hoping that there will be some payoff during the last two episodes, and let me tell you why that wont happen. Because very simply there is lack of connection with the characters of the show. The lack of character building and the absence of emotional connection between the viewer and the performer(actor), cannot change in just two remaining episodes, its something that gets build up gradually over time. So this is my two cents. Some people commented on a poll I did, that the poll is unfair because the season hasnt finished yet, well let me tell you that I was doing the show a favor for doing an early poll because by the end of season 2, the poll is going to go a lot worse than the previous one. Time will tell, not long now.