Why do people think Meri contributed the most to the pot?
Kody and Meri married in 1990. The first 4 year of their married she was unemployed more than employed. Kody took varies sales job, like being a Schwan’s man. In Meri own words she “was engaged in [her] own job hunt”…until Janelle urged her to take a job as an engraver at a trophy shop. She worked part time at that trophy shop for 10 years. In 2005 (15 years into their married) they moved to Utah. There Meri also had trouble finding employment but started college classes at Utah Valley University (which the family pad for). She eventually found employment as a residential staff at a treatment center for trouble teens (a minimum wage job). She also started Liv water. So at the start of the show (September 2010, 20 years into her marriage) that where she stood. While doing both these things(as see here), she said she still wasn’t making as much as Kody or Janelle. Christine also worked part time her whole married until she had Truly, so Christine and Meri were probably bringing in the same amount of money, minus Meri tuition. The family all agreed/stated Janelle and Kody paid all the mortgage and all the utilities. So for almost 20 years of married Janelle and Kody carried the family financial. They all stated too that Kody always worked commission jobs and some months he didn’t bring any money home. After the show premiered Meri was fired from her job. She was unemployed (besides Liv water) for 7 months before they moved to Vegas. If she was making less than K&J doing BOTH than she was making very little. Kody and Janelle both cashed out their 401ks to cover the cost of the move and the first several months of rent for the rentals. They move to Vegas 2011. All the adults were unemployed due to the move. So for the first 20-21 year of married Kody and Janelle took care of her financial and Meri likely contributed the same (or less considering tuition) as Christine. Meri found some success with Liv water due to the traffic the show created but not a huge amount. Meri didn’t find financial success until she started Lularoe in 2016 (26 years into the married). People seemed to forget that Christine also started lularoe at the same time (which is why she didn’t follow through with the real estate) and was also very successful - that’s how she paid for Ysabel’s surgery. From 2016-2020 she may have been paying a good amount into the family pot, similar to Christine. Christine quit Lularoe in 2020 when she left the family and also stopped contributing money to the pot. Meri and Kody split at the end of 2022, one would hope that’s when she quit putting into the pot. So at most Meri put a good amount of money in the pot for 6 years, after 20 years of financial support from Kody and Janelle (mostly Janelle). I 100% believe that Meri paid a lot into the family pot, so to say she paid the most is an extreme stretch. In all likelihood Meri financial contributions were similar to Christine’s and nowhere nears Janelle almost 2 decades of support. They were all financially abused and taken advantage of, but this idea that Meri contributed more than Janelle or Christine certainly isn’t fair. These three struck a balance between financial support and childcare that certainly was a give-take relationship. They all supported each other in different ways at different times.