A different take on Meri's lack of access to family money.

I'm not saying meri shouldn't have had access to funds. But, I think there is a reason. Remember when meri is having the porch convo with Jen about Leon's car. She specifically said "i made the payments". I know its been said many times on the show that the kids received hand-me-downs for cars. Even leon had one. It was robyns old car. And if you think back to season 6 (I think) there is an episode where leon has a shit fit because they want don't want to drive it, because it was "ugly". So, I believe meri bought leon a nicer car. Family's fault?? Um no. Then the schooling. Remember that leon had to go to a school that was vastly more expensive than the other kids. When the family had conversations about it, and deemed it unaffordable without scholarships and loans, meri offered to pay for it. Which i think she should, since all the other kids went to vastly less expensive schools, or got them paid for another way, like Maddie and hunter. Once again, is this the family's fault? Just my take on it. :)