All sunscreen makes me break out [sun care]

As the title says- I’m having a hell of a time finding my holy grail sunscreen.

I’ll admit that I didn’t really wear sunscreen in the winter. Skin was perfect. Hydrated, clear, and healthy. Went back to the sunscreen I used all last summer (Sun Bum Face 50)- instant break out. I was breaking out all last summer- but thought it was something else and not my sunscreen.

Went back to La Roche Posay. Breakout. Now using Eucerin Advanced Hydration 50. Breaking out, but less.

I cannot double cleanse with a balm. It seems like I also break out with a lot of different oils. I have the worlds most sensitive skin that seems to get more and more acne prone as I age. I’ve been using just straight Jojoba oil- which I think has been keeping the breakouts with my new sunscreen at bay- but I don’t want to have to hold my breath if I’ll get a new zit or not when I wasn’t getting any zits in winter.

All the posts I’ve seen about the same topic always say “try Korean / Japanese sunscreens” - unfortunately SO many of them have niacinamide (my skin cannot tolerate it) or some form of alcohol (I know it’s a controversial topic- but they all dry me out and compromise my skin barrier)

Sorry if this sounds so whiny. I’m feeling depressed cause I do want to wear sunscreen everyday- but I am getting so beat down by the break outs