[Acne] How to address teen acne

Advice for my sons acne

I’ve brought up his acne three times over the past several years. One when I ordered Tretinoin and gave it to him. A few months after and asked if he was using it (he wasn’t) and later when I was booking a photo facial and asked if he wanted an appointment to see treatment options for his skin. He declined. He’s 18 and his skin has gotten worse. My concern is that it will go on for several more years, leaving scars that he may bother him down the road. But I also don’t want to keep bringing it up, make him feel bad about himself or puberty, and want to respect the answers he’s given me already. I’m not sure he has the foresight for this type of thing, and perhaps neither do I. I didn’t get acne as a teen, at least nothing outside of occasional break outs. His dad, however had to go on acutane. How should I approach this? (Note: he’s trying to date again after a tough break up with his first love).