Getting ready to abandon ship.

I've loved the game. I play on the NBA side. I'm pretty sharp. I was beating up last year's competitions. I won like 50+ cards, and podiumed a couple times. I've played since about week 16 of the first season of SoRare NBA.

I was hesitant to invest much this year. I opted to play the classic mode and earn most of my season 3 cards. What money I did spend, was only when I had earned enough to halve the cost of what I was going to buy (via boxes). It's just pretty dull, the goalpost to win cards is exorbitant, and winning a few essence or a discount is... Meh. Also, classic card prices are basically toilet water at this point. So each season I need to: play classic and hope I score 1.2 milly so I can get in season cards? Or drop like $1500 on guys I already have just because they are in season? Seems like the end is nigh (at least for me).