Brandon Joe Williams - Current "client" Henrik reveals that he's paid Brandon 117k and lost everything.
UPDATE: Got a response from Henrik to my last question "So what are your intentions here? - to which he replied
"Somebody told me you're an attorney that is mad at Brandon and would help me pro bono."
So he's still just looking for a free ride to crazy town. Buddy, I'm not that guy
Some time ago, I "debated" Brandon on his podcast. It went about as well as you would expect. Earlier this evening, one of Brandon's "clients" (the farmer) - after having watched that debate - reached out to me. Initially I thought he had woken up to the fact that he was in a cult, and decided I was his lifeline out of it. I suggested he lawyer up, contact the authorities, and be as cooperative as possible. He didn't seem particularly amenable to that idea, so I suggested he make a post in this sub. At the very least, he has a moral obligation to try and spare others from the trap he fell into. I thought he was approaching me as a whistleblower, in good faith. That is clearly not the case. This guy wants to wait and see how this all plays out, just in case it happens to go in his favor. I thought this was someone who had recognized they were wrong and was ready to make good. But that's not it at all. While I can only speculate as to what his intentions in contacting me were, it's very apparent that he isn't willing to do the right thing and come forward publicly. This is not - as a I had initially assumed - a simple victim of Brandon' scheme. Even after all of this, he still thinks this is going to end with him having unlimited money. And he is unwilling to protect others from Brandon's scheme by coming forward. Instead he seems to want to use me as a shoulder to cry on, while still working with Brandon...
I would never expose a victim to scrutiny of this sub. Many of Brandon's followers are desperate people who are in dire situations. What I will ABSOLUTELY do, is disseminate the hypocrisy of an accomplice who's decided things have gotten a little too dicey for his sensibilities, but still wants to have his cake and eat it too.
I've known Brandon for 10 years. Myself and others who know him, have tried many times to reason with him. We recognized he'd crossed a line quite some ago, but I did not realize he was literally robbing people. Henrik gave him 117k and THIS is the result. In light of this revelation, I get it now. I see what's happening here. All the social media, the free courses, the pickle nonsense, all of it... exists solely to convince a handful of people to give him everything like Henrik did. He doesn't need to sell his courses because that's not how he's making his money. The entire thing is a prospecting tool to locate the one poor rube desperate enough to hire him as an "Attorney in Fact". Then he takes their money and uses it to perpetuate the LIE that he's discharging all of is debt and has access to a "secret bank account".
Its all a scam. We knew that. But this illustrates something else, Brandon absolutely knows exactly what he's doing. Perhaps it's the bias of my having known him, but I held out hope that he really just believed this nonsense and was genuinely trying to do good in the world by his own warped sense of morality. I thought he was a victim of this whole "movement"; the same assumption I made of Hendrik. But this proves otherwise. He knows that none of this works and that the only way to make money is to fleece it from poor suckers like Henrik. And he keeps perpetuating the lie so he can find more Henrik's. Personally, I won't stand for it.
(NOTE: I did not include the entirety of the conversation for the sake of his privacy. Because it's not included with these, I want to make it clear that I encouraged him to get a lawyer and then cooperate with the authorities. I explained that what he's done are federal crimes, but that he was a victim of a scheme and if he helped stop Brandon, it would likely help him a lot. His response to that was to say "No Cops have come knocking on my door yet"...)