I hate this game.

This is not a bait. Please don't accuse me of it.

See, when i first bought this game, it seemed fun, simple and easy. Oh boy i was Wrong.

First, everyone accept it, this game is brutally hard. It has almost no quality of life features. Getting even to moon is extremely hard, givwn how even the slight nudge in your movements will fuck you up.And getting to outer planets is BRUTAL. And, for fucks sake. How do you people make a space station? Even the slightest miscalculation in orbital trajectory leads to your poors ISS getting destroyed. And what annoys me more than anything is, you can't lower your orbital speed even slightly. To dock, you need to be extremely slow. But nope, that is too hard on this god awful game. And, don't even get me started on how this game has no training whatsoever.