Hello, I am autistic and I am level 2 moderate support needs
I love my piercings . I don’t have a tattoo yet and Idk if I’ll ever get one but I have piercings and i recently got the top of my cheeks pierced but I really wanted to get the piercing lower down in the middle of my cheeks but ANYWAY. I’ve had them for about 4 months now and I’ve had 2-3 ppl tell me I should’ve just got one on one side and not 2 . They said this cus 3 other girls have the pricing on just one side and I did say “well I’m glad I got the piercing for me and not for you”
Cus I thought it was kinda rude like I didn’t ask them for their approval and I didn’t care that they preferred just one instead of two I didn’t get it for them I got it for me.
I just wanted to vent and show pictures of my piercings . I often times get advice and opinions about myself whether it’s asked for or not but I can’t do it to anybody or they will get mad at me 🙄