Dedf1sh theories
If you take a closer look at Hotlantis, you will find that Dedf1sh's logo is on it! Is it just me or is that like super weird? No one has ever spoke of Dedf1sh, and although you can say you are a 'dedf1sh fan' on your splashtag, it's super crazy.
Also, why does Dedf1sh have green skin? In the Side order trailer Dedf1sh has green skin, and in previous animated pictures her skin is white. It's kind of alien, when sanitized octos have white skin.
Does Dedf1sh hide her name? She calls herself Acht, which means eight. Could she have been a previous Agent 8, but failed, becoming sanitized? She never even talks about her name Dedf1sh, and speaks of knowing Marina, but then again Marina never talks about her. They both have dark secrets, yet to be unraveled.
I hope this gave you good info,
Your nerdy Splatooner,