Post AEW Dynamite 12/16/2020 Discussion
Match Results!
Match | Winner | Post Match Brawl? |
Hardy Party Vs. Page/Silver/Reynolds | Hardy Party | No |
Cody Vs. Angelico | Cody | Interrupted by Sting |
Inner Circle (-Wardlow) Vs. Top Flight, |
Inner Circle | Yes |
The Acclaimed Vs. SCU | The Acclaimed | No |
Deeb/Swole Vs. Ivelisse/Diamante | Deeb/Swole | Yes |
Kenny Omega Vs. Joey Janella No DQ (For Title Shot) | Kenny Omega | No |
Outside of Dynamite
On Dark
- After defeating Kilynn King, Hikaru Shida was attacked by Abadon. Abadon held the belt over Shida, clocked her with it, and then fled back to the Maddening And Nightmarish Scary Otherworld of Night (MANSON for short)
- On The Waiting Room, Britt had Shawn & Tully on to discuss his recent incidents with Scorpio Sky. Halfway through the segment, Scorpio invaded and threw Shawn Spears through the fucking wall. The fact that Scorpio seemed unaffected by the harm and stress he caused Britt Baker, who absolutely did not deserve this crime, is honestly disgusting. I can't believe how low Scorpio has gone in pursuit of Spears. And furthermore, Britt said Tony Schiavone would have to pay for the set repairs! This is absolutely terrible.
- Thunder Rosa joined commentary for Skyler Moore and Leva Bates' match. She talked a lot about her and Britt's enmity, and how she was going to crush Baker, who is already having such a bad time. There was some talk about librarians being carny word thieves. Your usual inspired and glorious dark commentary.
- Brian Cage had a match. He's seemingly realized he can talk AND wrestle on AEW, so perhaps things are looking up for our lonely FTW champ.
- Future AEW World Champion Pretty Peter Avalon joined commentary for a Dark Order/Bear Country match. Peter asked Taz where Bear Country was located, and Taz said "It's where all the bears are". You didn't need to know this but I wanted to tell you anyway.
- 👉🤪
- Miro came out to threaten the Best Friends. This feud has been ongoing since October 14th, which means it's just about gone on longer than Cody's entire initial TNT Champ run.
At Triplemania XXVIII
- Kenny defeated The Laredo Kid by attempted murder, and then attempted murder, and then challenged Hijo del Vikingo for some unknown date in the future. But importantly, he retains the belt.
On IMPACT Final Resolution
- Kenny, Don, and Karl Anderson are in Kenny's headquarters at Impact: His RV. I'm not calling it a fucking bus and no one can make me. Karl is excited about how many titles they have. They talk about how it feels like the good old days. They talk about New Japan for awhile. Don says they're running things now. Karl says he unfortunately has to wrestle Ethan Page for Final Resolution, but it should only take a couple minutes. He'd rather stay and chat with Kenny and Don. Kenny reminds him of the 2012 G1. Kenny and Don want THAT machine gun. Karl says he can do it. He then leaves for his match while Kenny becomes one with the sfx.
- Karl did go on to win his match against Ethan Page
- Rich Swann, who was disrespected by AEW & Kenny last week, retained his title and is still Impact World Champion.
On IMPACT this Tuesday:
- Welcome back to the Impact Zone. The show opens with more AEW footage and some of the Callis promos from both AEW and Impact. They also run footage of the PPV from Sunday, doing a little more for the new audience than last week. Viewer numbers are sharply down from last week, only 3,022 as the show begins versus ~25k from the opening last time, though it is going up. It keeps going from 8k to 2600(?) as the opening rolls.
- Matthews reminds us Omega is here again, I'm certain we'll get right to that (see you in 2 hours). He talks about last week's Dynamite, bringing up Callis insulting Tony Khan during his promo. We're reminded Kenny's RV is in its rightful place, somewhere in a parking lot presumably located near the Impact Zone.
- Kenny Callis and Karl are in Kenny's RV, where they once again send Karl into the ring while the man is just trying to get his chill on. Kenny and Don turn the match on. Karl and Swann meet in the hallway. Swann derides Karl for partnering with "Kenny", Karl tells him that only his friends call him Kenny, Swann should call him Omega. Motor City Machine Guns then flank Swann, and Karl runs off.
- The Tony's are here again. Schiavone says "It's great to be on public access television". TK says he could easily stop this from happening but he simply won't because it amuses him and he is an angry god. TK responds to Don's insult on Dynamite, saying Don didn't teach him shit, he's doing marketing for AEW for free. He's just paying for this ad because he can. Schiavone makes a loltna joke. It sounds like I'm making this up but I'm not. These ads are gold and I would recommend watching it. They really are amping up AEW being the real heels here this week. Twitch is at 12k+ now, I should mention.
- Someone, presumably from this subreddit, gets Melissa Santos from Impact to read their message saying "FIRE MATTHEWS", so your voices and consequently, your cheap karma, have been heard around the world by at minimum 12,553 people at 8:44pm on December the 15th 2020. We did it reddit. Now we can finally die.
- At one point Matthews seems to suggest that not only is Impact champion Rich Swann not allowed into the parking lot, he doesn't seem to be permitted to leave the building at all, suggesting that the man is literally a prisoner of the Impact Zone. This begs the question, is anyone allowed to leave the Impact Zone? Is the Impact Zone a sustaining force, capable of keeping people alive, or is it a realm beyond our own? Unclear at this time. Hopefully we get answers soon. Let's pray that Swann is able to see his family again at some point. /u/imnotvegan44 suggested in the live thread that this, above anything, including the implication of the Impact Zone being an alternate dimension unto itself, is a significant fire code violation.
- Karl Kenny and Don are in the RV again. Karl is mad at Rich for running him off. Kenny calls him Rich the Bitch. They throw Karl out for a third time and tell him to just go do his damn match what the fuck Machine Gun just go wrestle. Kenny says he's pissed off at Swann. Kenny says this whole thing is about them, not Swann! It seems Swann is closer to getting his chance to both escape the Impact Zone and to get one over on Kenny for the constant disrespect in his own promotion.
- Without Steiner Math running again this week, there's nothing here to unite the nerds in chat until Karate Man shows up from under the ring. Everyone loves Karate Man, and no one hates Karate Man. Melissa Santos is even chastising twitch chat for being a rancid trash pit.
- Karl gets the win, as we cut to Kenny machine gunning. Swann accosts Karl after the match. Don says, don't worry about it, he's the champ, sometimes they do what they want. Kenny says you're right. A brawl pops off backstage with Doc Gallows returning, so it really is an AEW segment. Kenny decks Swann, shoving the AEW belt in his face. He says: "As long as you're a wrestler, this is my world." Kenny says they're rebuilding the old Bullet Club. At Hard to Kill it's gonna be Kenny/Good Brothers vs. Rich Swann/MCMG, and we close out with a Bullet Club 4life.
At Dynamite
Inner circle is with Marvez after the opening match, who is giving MJF props for winning the NYT award for the dinner debonair. MJF says it's ridiculous people are saying he's a better performer than Jericho, that's his best friend! Jericho is obviously not a huge fan of this assumption or MJF hogging the spotlight.
Cody, not content to let Mox keep the "Havin' a kid" belt, is now competing in an intergender partnership with Brandi to become the AEW Heavyweight Champ of Baby Having.. The stip is, if Mox and Renee have their kid first Cody can never challenge for a non-condom run again.
Taz says SHUT THE MUSIC OFF, after Cody defeats Angelico. Taz congratulates Cody for bein' a pops. Ricky says ENOUGH OF THE DADDY TALK, and then insults turtle boy. Ricky says no one ever congratulates THEM! Darby laughs at the turtle boy line 'n it's real precious to see that angry baby smile. Taz says he's gonna put Cody on paternity leave, and the snow begins to fall. There is a woman in the audience losing her holy fucking mind. She is louder than the entrance theme I swear to shit. Sting pulls out the bat, and despite wanting to get a piece, Taz once again is too intimidated to continue the attempted assault. Darby and Sting share a look while Sting gives a wink to Cody. He then bails on the situation.
Marvez is with Miro. Miro is getting fined $75k for his staff assaults. Miro says OC doesn't care and it pisses him off. He says OC owes him that money. Miro says he's fighting Sonny Kiss on Dark, and we're FINALLY GETTING A WEDDING DATE ANNOUNCEMENT NEXT WEEK FROM KIP AND PENELOPE AFTER ALMOST TEN THOUSAND YEARS. No, seriously, they announced they were getting engaged on September 5th. It's been a LONG time.
Eddie is out here to read from The Book Of Those Who Have Offended Him. CUT THE MUSIC he says. Boo, cheer, WHATEVAH, I DONT CARE ABOUT ANAY UH THESE PEOPLE. People cheer this because Eddie says it and why wouldn't you. Eddie says he has a lot of enemies. The number one of these enemies is God Almighty, Creator of Heaven and Earth, the Alpha and Omega. After that, naturally, it's PAC, who has gone back home. Eddie says Pac's career is done. He ain't comin' back. The next one is the big goofy bastard Lance Archer. Lance runs in immediately after this and starts wailing on Eddie, who is saved by Butcher and The Blade, Butcher and The Blade, it's Butcher and The Blade. Fenix and Penta even the numbers out, BUT THEN PAC JOINS IN. Chaos ensues as we have moved the post match brawl to the pre-match position. Penta and Fenix take out The Butcher and The Blade Its The Butcher And The Blade. Lance and Pac initially work together, but Lance can't handle someone else getting to kill someone, so they start getting in each others faces. Pac is legitimately 12 feet shorter than Lance Archer somehow, but I still believe the match would be even. I love that greasy angry boy. Eddie and everyone is run out. Lance can barely keep himself from killing Pac as the segment ends.
Dasha is with Dustin. Dustin says "Seven was a bad idea". He says he's not the third most important Rhodes. He does a little poem and says he's gonna individually beat every single member of the Dark Order. Next week, Evil Uno.
OC joins commentary for the 6v6 tag match, but his headset isn't plugged in and he seems to immediately fall into a sort of self-induced coma.
Jericho's entrance is happening right now, so I'm gonna take the few minutes here just to free write about how disappointed I am that Adam Page didn't win the 3v3 match at the top of the show. I hope it doesn't discourage him from continuing to team with the Dark Order because I think it'll be good for him to have some friends who actually like him, maybe give him something positive to think about instead of his own failures and burgeoning alcoholism. I know it can only end in tragedy when Brodie comes back, but... I dunno. Okay, it's over now, or seems to be. I guess let's get back to wrestling.
Marvez is with Thunder Rosa, who doesn't let Marvez speak the words that sustain his temporal existence. Rosa says Britt has a big nose, and she keeps putting it in her business. She says she DOES belong in AEW. Britt and "REBA" interrupt the interview and they rub off Rosa's makeup with some water and simple aggression. An act of unbridled cruelty that I cannot justify. Tony calls Britt a bitch again. This is probably a bad idea.
The Acclaimed drop the sickest diss track yet and get a very satisfying DO YA in there. KAZARIAN JUMPS IN. It's gold. I love professional wrestling. Kazarian gets to say shit on TV. Just to clarify, this is objectively terrible and Kazarian should be fined for doing this, but I love it anyway.
After their victory, the Acclaimed challenge the Bucks with another freestyle, their original targets in the attempted post-match brawl last week interrupted by SCU. I can only hope and pray that they put Nick on the mic in a battle against these guys.
Dasha is with top flight. She asks why they jumped in on Jericho and MJF. They say they're the coldest team in the game. They say they want a match against MJF/Jericho. They say accept or be a bitch for all time forever.
Tony Schiavone says he's been told by TK that we'll get Bucks V Acclaimed and Top Flight V MJF/Jericho next week.
Nyla and Vickie run in after Swole and Deeb get their win, but Red Velvet knocks Nyla down with a chair. I'm so glad to see Red Velvet on my viewing globe doing something besides losing.
Best Friends are here saying even though they still have heat with Santana and Ortiz, they're still pissed at Miro and Friends. They say, in a huge coincidence, they are going to be at the wedding date announcement next week.
Jurassic Express get a promo video here showing them being the best tag team in AEW, and to announce they'll be fighting 5 & 10 next week.
FTR, noted weenies, are pissed because this sideshow tag team is being highlights when they are having to use Orange Cassidy's barely functional headset as a microphone. They say this dumb dinosaur bullshit is taking money away from them and their families. They're the number one tag team in the world but they can't even get so much as a match. Top guys out. Fear the revelation. Etc.
Hikaru Shida have a match next week.
Pac will fight the Butcher next week.
A reminder that next week the show will begin at 10pm or whenever the NBA game finishes.
Tony says he's glad Kenny was able to get Impacts audience to rise from 1 person to 6. Don Callis then tries to kick Tony off commentary, but Tony tells him to kiss his ass. Don, recoiling in a language known only as pure carny retreats to ringside. Callis takes a mic and continues to do commentary from ringside. "KENNY 'BY GOD' OMEGA". The audience is not receptive to this until Kenny takes the mic and starts commentating his own match as he beats Joey up. Don Callis says "THIS is what live commentary sounds like JR." Kenny keeps making the ref hold the mic while he continues to savage Joey. Don keeps laying on burns to JR. "TIME TO HIT THE PAY WINDOW RIGHT, JR?" Once Joey starts getting the advantage, Don goes quiet.
After Kenny wins, Don says there are finally no more unanswered questions for Kenny. Pac interrupts. Pac says he has unfinished business with Kenny. Pac says he's here to address injustice. Pac says Fenix never lost in the tourney, so how can Kenny be the legit champ? Don says who are you to ask this, are you an executive? WRESTLERS don't tell the world champ what to do. Pac says he talked to TK, and the match is already booked. Dec. 30th, Kenny defends the championship against Fenix. Kenny screams into the mic and we are out.
Trivial Bullshit That Doesn't Really Matter
- On AEW Unrestricted this past week, Silver & Reynolds said they had both decided after a feud between them in Beyond to both turn into singles guys, but they were then called into AEW as a tag team. The original idea was for them to be pitched as "The Local Talent" and have them be defeated in every town and every match, an idea that was reworked and used in the Avalon/Cutler feud.
- This is the third time Omega & Janella have fought in AEW. The first was on the second episode of Dark and the fourth episode of Dynamite. Kenny has won both previous bouts.
- Ivelisse and Big Swole previously fought in 3 other matches, but all of them were multi team matches or battle royals, the most recent being in the first All Out buy-in for the womens battle royale. The participants in this match are a wild list, especially considering how the promotion has formed since-- it still has a lot of the All In feeling rather than a strictly AEW show.
- Beyond Wrestling put up the entirety of Sodom and Gomorrah earlier this week, which has matches between Orange Cassidy and WARHORSE (with one of the worst crowds in Beyond history-- seriously, this is a promotion where the crowd that is usually on fire the whole time just is in fucking mothballs for the whole match, it sucks ass), Kris Statlander, Silver/Reynolds, Nick fuckin' Gage, Butcher & Blade, Bear Country, VSK-- tons of great shit and a fucking terrible crowd. Still worth a watch.
Hacksaw Jim Duggan Buries All Elite Wrestling
With a wrestling career that's lasted more than 40 years, Jim Duggan's power level is beyond comprehension. If he hasn't beaten an AEW wrestler directly, he's beaten them through a few degrees of separation.
Could Hacksaw Jim Duggan defeat Eddie Kingston?
6/18/09 - Jim Duggan defeats Sid Vicious
5/27/11 - Sid Vicious obliterates Eddie Kingston
Yes, Hacksaw Jim Duggan could easily defeat Eddie Kingston.
Hacksaw has previously defeated:
- Kenny Omega
- Colt Cabana
- Hikaru Shida
- Kris Statlander
Keep an eye on the BTE and AEW Youtube channels for more AEW between now and the next episode!
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