Any good resources on learning how to groom your own poodle?

Hi there!

I am looking to eventually get a standard poodle, but I want to be fully prepared first.

My hope is to learn how to groom my poodle myself.

Any recommendations on where I can best learn this? Also any resources to help guide me on things to know before grooming...etc?

I know I will get better with experience/practice overtime, and I'm aware that it probably won't look great in the beginning, so I'm not planning on doing anything crazy.

I also need to know what grooming tools/equipment is recommended. I know they are expensive, especially the really good ones. I will be saving up for those in the meantime.

I do have a friend that is a professional groomer and she groooms her own poodles, so I'll probably ask for her guidance as well.

Thank you so much for any help/suggestions!