Disney is not making the Jedi look bad in the Acolyte

I was thinking about posting this in the main Star Wars sub Reddit, but I figure I was going to get a lot of shit for doing that so I thought I would post it here because I know a lot of you guys in this sub are reasonable.

Anyway, so at the end of the acolyte, we see Venestra covering up the six Jedi, who were killed.by using her friend Sol as the fall guy. So that way the Senate will not regulate the order. A lot of people have been taking issue with this because the Jedi would not cover up something like that, but I’d like to bring your attention to the clone wars season six where Yoda covers up why the clones were created. we all know why they were created for nefarious purposes against the Jedi, so they are not new to cover ups.

Also, the whole order does not cover up the deaths by using Sol as the fall guy. Only Venestra does. Because she senses what Sol had done 16 years earlier on Brendok no other Jedi knows about it besides her and the Jedi Group Sol was apart of but of course they are dead.

So does this mean the Jedi are bad guys now?No but it does unfortunately mean Venestra is willing to break the rules for the greater good as she sees it. Does this mean at the end of the acolyte she tells Yoda about it? No it doesn’t because we don’t know the full context of that scene.

The Jedi are the good guys, but they’re not squeaky clean. Their intentions are good, but sometimes it doesn’t lead to good results.the clone wars, and everything that happens in the prequels shows that.

Even the events that happened between the witches and the Jedi, that wasn’t the Jedi being bad guys that was a stupid mistake and believing they were in the right, that unfortunately ended the lives of a whole coven. The witches also had a part to play in it, they weren’t all innocent either. and that context is in episode seven.