Will Bethesda update Starfield

It's been been like 5 months since we heard or seen anything related to starfield. What is Bethesda doing have they really turned away from starfield what's next this game could have so much Potential but they're leaving their job for the modders which I'm very grateful for them it's because of them I'm still playing but the game needs an update there's still Issues going with quests and the creations we need more Quality of life features new ships ships parts quests POI why not ask the starfield community for ideas we can make this game what should've been from jump I just love this game and want to see more improvements more updates to make this awesome game better. So weigh in your thoughts let me know your ideas to make this game better and shout out to all the modders out there that put all the time and effort to keep this game Relevant I Salute you 👍👍🙋