Looking for a technical cofounder

Folks, I’m looking to work with a talented engineer for my startup www.sectar.co We have raised a pre-seed round recently and have built a waitlist of 100 users from 15 countries so far.

Here’s a little context about what we do:

Service payments worldwide are broken. Invoices worth $2.9T dollars are are unpaid in 2020. This puts massive stress on small businesses.

This is largely because the payment culture is being adopted from the manufacturing industry for which system was initially designed, where payments tend to happen 30/60/90 days after raw materials are supplied to the industries.

We are trying to fix this by bringing payments right into the project board and turning every task on the board into a tiny invoice that gets paid out on client approval, eliminating the need for unnecessary paperwork, invoices and follow ups. This ties payments directly to work, the way it was meant to be.

The developer who built this from scratch is a great friend of mine and is not able to join full time due to his existing commitments.

Happy to offer equity, and a good salary for the role. Cheers!

Update: I missed adding the tech stack details. Here it is.

Here it is: Flutter, Node js, a bit of Php, MySQL, Stripe for everything financial, and sendgrid for email. That’s it.

Update 2: This is how the system works.

  1. ⁠Freelancer created project, sets budget, say $100 and sends to the client for review
  2. ⁠The client pays and funds the project’s escrow
  3. ⁠The freelancers uses the funds to assign to the work they do.
  4. ⁠Say, a task is ‘Create blog structure’ and the freelancer has assigned $20 to it. When he/she is done with this task they send it for review. Or mark it for review rather.
  5. ⁠When the client approves it on the task board, the $20 move from the escrow account to the freelancers account.

This gives instant settlement to the work they do. Very similar to milestone based payments but abstracted at a task level with escrow like protection.