Friend can’t see my shared games on his library?

Hey everyone, need help regarding family sharing.

I want to start off by saying I’ve done this process 5 times before and never encountered something like this, so I am either missing something or there is an error on steam’s part.

I started off by logging into my steam account on my friend’s computer, then authorizing his computer using my account. Then logged off, and using my PC checked that everything’s in order. His account appears alongside the other accounts i am also sharing my library with, and they work with no issues. He logged back in with his account on his PC, yet he can’t see my games no matter what we do. He tried logging out and back in several times, i turned his account off of eligible accounts and back on and nothing happens. I am sharing my games with 4 people in total, including this friend.

Will also add photos, his username is “crowbars”

Any help is appreciated in solving this matter.