How do you pick which game to play with your limited game time?
I work a lot of long hours, get home, and spend what time I can with my three year old daughter. I only get a very limited time to actually play my steamdeck, but I spend most of the time trying to pick which game I am going to play as I have been building a steam library since 2012. Even if I pick a game to 100% to focus on, I find I rarely enjoy the game enough to play it every time I boot up and drop the idea of dumping dozens of hours over months.
A problem I have identified is in the past I use to be an achievement hunter and I keep trying to pick games I have 100%ed years ago and just can't find the motivation to play a game again.
How do you guys pick a game to play and keep to it.
Edit: The amount heartfelt responses this got with in minutes of posting is truly wonderful. Thank you all, and I appreciate all the suggestions. I will take what you have all said and see what works for me, but I wanted to genuinely thank you all.