In my humble opinion, I think The Mind Flayer (specifically in season 2) is the most terrifying thing in the show so far.
It’s not as in your face as Vecna what with the bone breaking and stuff, but man, the design of this thing is just too good.
I’m a little sad his shape and design was all down to Vecna shaping it that way, I wish that was just how he was. A great eldritch horror that was eternally stalking the land of the upside down.
This scene where it infects Will is easily one of the most disturbing scenes for me. How its entire essence just envelops Will and infects him. Followed up by his spazzing out when the upside down is set on fire.
I also didn’t find its physical design in season 3 that great. Looked too much like a generic meat alien/zombie thing.
It’s not as in your face as Vecna what with the bone breaking and stuff, but man, the design of this thing is just too good.
I’m a little sad his shape and design was all down to Vecna shaping it that way, I wish that was just how he was. A great eldritch horror that was eternally stalking the land of the upside down.
This scene where it infects Will is easily one of the most disturbing scenes for me. How its entire essence just envelops Will and infects him. Followed up by his spazzing out when the upside down is set on fire.
I also didn’t find its physical design in season 3 that great. Looked too much like a generic meat alien/zombie thing.