What would you think about Strava adding user reviews/ratings to Routes?

I'm working on a personal design project and considering improvements for the Strava platform, particularly focusing on the Routes feature. I've love to get your thoughts and feedback! These are 2 things I'm thinking about:

  1. User reviews and ratings: What do you think about adding user reviews and ratings to the Routes feature? Would having feedback from other users help you in discovering and selecting routes more effectively?
  2. User-created routes: How beneficial would it be to have the option to search for and find routes created by other users? Do you think this would foster the community aspect of Strava and help users discover new and interesting routes? I believe that the current Routes feature (at least on the app) automatically displays computer-generated routes which aren't bad, but potentially could be more relevant.

I feel that these features would be in line with Strava being a social media platform, and could add to building more connections within local communities or learning where locals frequent if you're traveling.

I'd love to hear what you guys think! Please feel free to share thoughts, suggestions, or any other ideas you have in mind!