New player here

Hello everyone So recently i got SF6. Now, i haven't played a fighting game in years and this is the first SF i tried, so im pretty much as new as it can get, like playing between CPU level 4 and 6 (depends on who i pick and against who i play) I haven't touched online mode yet, for obvious reasons, but from what i read that is where the fun is. Right now i have only played the world tour, story mode and the character combo tutorial. And, with that in mind, what would be the best mode to learn to start learning? When picking who to start learning should i priorize anyone specifically or is sticking with who i enjoy a good strategy when learning? I have tried them all on the story thing, game says Marisa is easy to use but i didn't really like it and as a result i struggled, but with Jamie, Cammie and Chun Li (btw those leg's, thank you Capcom) i had a better score and it felt better playing with, but since they aren't classified as easy I'm left wondering if it's safe to start the journey with them. Appreciate any help, and thank you for the patience