In Japan, it welcomed modern and was a huge success, but in America it criticized modernism and failed
(if it is English that is poor as I am a Japanese, I am sorry) If population of FGC increased, I thought that it was good, and a professional gamer welcomed modern style before release including daigo in Japan. (as a result, the air which was hard to criticize modern style was formed) As a result, the people who touched it by a fighting game largely increased a difficulty for the first time.
Streamer and Vtuber were modern and participated in a meeting, and the SF scene of Japan did large serving rise. In addition, professionals coach various people proactively. If FGC swells, as for it, oneself are because it turns out that I profit. They are modern, and people converting to classical music begin to be over a fighting game in people who touched it for the first time. Japan was modern, and they preferred 100,000 people who began a fighting game newly to 10,000 people of the senior who criticized modern style.
I think that people criticizing the result modern style which a professional takes the lead in the United States, and criticized moderun style increased. I remember that the comment of the modern duster was terrible in EVO of 2023. If there was a trend to welcome modern style in the United States, the population of the SF might have the present double. As for the well-known professional who welcomed modern style in American professionals, memory has only Justin Wong.
It is difficult for the game that failed for a starting dash to regain it. But it will not be late even now. You may receive more modern style to increase new users.
It is modern, and there is the problem. It is not perfect. Still I decided to think that it was enough if users increased in Japan because the classic user of the senior received a disadvantage, and to accept unreasonableness of the modern style.
What do you do for the United States?