I'm too scared to do MBO
I stand before a crossroad. Either I could get an HBO Propedeuse in Rechten and go to UvA for Europese Studies, or become a train driver through ROCvA (I hope eventually on the ICE/Eurostar/Thalys).
I'm Dutch 16f, last year I got my Havo diploma. My whole life people have told me 'oh you're going to the university when you're older' and stuff like that (I ended up doing Havo, VWO3 -> Havo5 because I needed to be done earlier because of a burnout). Now I feel like I have to go to University (or at the minimum HBO) to prove myself. In elementary I went to 'plusklassen' and the teachers told me I was smart and blablabla. It feels like I need to maintain that status or lose my worth as a person. I know that MBO isn't worth less and that we need people like that especially now, but I just can't imagine myself doing it because of aforementioned reasons.
I don't want to go to the school reunion in 15 years and say I did an MBO, I want to say I went to the University of Amsterdam and work for the European Union or something, instead of 'just' being a train driver. Even though train are f**** rad and I have too many hours in Train Sim World :)
Perhaps I should take the Uni route and if that's too boring I'll still become a train driver? I'll be only 21 then. If the train driver course was HBO or University I would have done that no doubts. I'm also excited to do rechten and Europese Studies, I <3 economics, history and social studies (maatschappijleer).
TLDR: I want to become a train driver but feel like I need to prove myself through a University degree.
Edit: Thanks for all of the replies!