Unbelievably shocking and disgusting day at my workplace.
Today is state testing for my school. I was asked to sit in a room to allow a proctor to have a 10 minute break. Immediately after leaving, a student right next to me tapped a student in front of him to ask him a question, which is strictly not allowed during state testing. I immediately told him he couldn’t do that and it’s crazy to think he would do it right in front of a teacher. That apparently set him off in a way I would have never expected and was 100% randomly uncalled for. For the next 10 minutes straight, he ranted endlessly, in during that time he called me worthless, “mad ugly”, “just a substitute”, broke, that he makes more money than me, and to shut the fuck up, loudly, WHILE THE WHOLE CLASS IS TESTING! He also proudly stood up and told me his name, which I’m assuming is to declare he won’t receive after repercussions. After the teacher came back I went to the dean, who immediately upon hearing his name, said he almost lost his job to the same kid because he tried to reprimand him for bad behavior and he threatened him by saying “You know I know your daughter right?” They have me write a statement. But, I am just disgusted in general. From what I’ve seen and heard, the student regularly faces no repercussions for his actions and behavior towards the staff and other students. He was basically allowed to cheat on his state test, and allowed to continue on throughout the day as normal. I have an assignment I have to finish by the 31st. But after that, I’m leaving this school. This isn’t the first time I’ve experienced or witnessed a student receiving no repercussions for horrible behavior. And I’m done. Only thing that got me through the rest of the day were students that actually knew me well coming to me and saying sorry that that happened. But I can’t. That was so insane. I am actually still in shock, and I am definitely not being paid enough to be treated the way I am.
Edit: Oh, also forgot to mention, when I saw him in the hallway afterwards. He smiled at me and said proudly “bitch :)”