Reframing arrangement

Hello, I hope all of you are doing well. I’m coming here for advice as a new SB. I have read the forum but I am needing advice pertaining to my specific situation.

So as a back story, I have been seeing this guy for a couple of months now. I met him at my job after which her pursued me and after our first date together he proposed a ppm based arrangement. We see each other’s twice a week for xxxx which is satisfactory but I find myself desiring more of the typical spoiled baby lifestyle rather than the what we’re doing

This man is filthy rich, and I just feel like some more experienced girls put in my situation could actually get him to where I want to get him, I think I just lack the experience necessary to do so.

Recently I snapped on him for something and then long story short I told him I wanted to end the arrangement because I was unsatisfied to which he replied “why did you not just ask for more?”, which is a very valid response honestly. I get most of my hustling strategy from the book ho-tactics which is very anti-sex work and being straightforward, it is more based on developing a damsel in distress persona and an emotional connection. Is this the way to go? Because based on the book once you give him intimacy then your best cards have been played and you’re out of the game.

After a couple weeks hiatus he has messages me asking to meet again and talk over our arrangement, any advice on how to lead this to get what I want? Not in a evil manipulative way, I do genuinely appreciate this guy. I just want to be able to subtly lead the conversation to get what I want

He is an incredibly busy man so whenever we see each other it’s for a nice outing and then intimacy at the end. I don’t mind the intimacy at all, I just really want to reframe our dynamic and be a spoiled princess. Designer gifts, luxurious trips, funded education and everything. He is not unfamiliar with this lifestyle, he has paid for many cosmetic surgeries and Chanel bags etc in the past. I just wonder what’s the route of reshaping how he sees me and getting there with him.

Thank you in advance for any advice.