I cheated
I cheated on my ex, and when she found out she took every measure to ruin my life. I gave her money, the dog, anything in the house that she wanted. I tried to make the transition as smooth as possible and I didn’t put up a fight, I was guilty. She’s has now taken measures to turn everyone in my workplace against me by sharing private recordings of our fights and my mental breakdowns, speaking to my coworkers, managers, all of whom we were both close with to privately to drag my name through the dirt. I feel like I am now at risk at losing my job because everyone feels uncomfortable working with me and can’t look at me anymore. We all have things to be ashamed of but I never expected the judgment to be this hard, and I never thought friendships and relationships, especially these ones could fall apart so easily. I have never condoned what I did and haven’t done anything to defend myself for my actions. I’m completely guilty. But I just wished someone would wonder what led to my actions after being committed for 8 years. If there was more to the story. The job market in my city right now is extremely competitive and I feel like once I lose my job and can't find another I will have nothing left. I will be on the streets and it will be even harder to bounce back. That will be the point that I lose everything. The only thing that keeps me going is telling myself if I can see a tomorrow, then I will continue living, but once that is gone the only thing left to do is take my own life. I think I will either hang myself or get my hands on fentanyl and go somewhere private to od.