you have 1 day left , before OPTION EXPIRE DATE . 2 trading days later the market maker is FORCED by rule to deliver 24.000.000 shares ! If the option holder exersice it ! Last year i posted about a week where 2 million shares went itm and after it did a good run up! Now its 10x bigger..
do not say i didnt warned you , if you suddently see next week a price on GME you have NEVER SEEN BEFORE !
the stock became illiquid and its way harder to deliver shares without to push the price hard !!!
this is possibly your last dip you can get , if you feel BAD after you saw the sudden spike to 80 usd this week and feel bad that you didnt catched the low prices, wait until next week GAMMA SPIKE !
you didnt hold for years for such a tiny spike. thousands days of slow manipulation of the price, your chance finally arrived to give a REAL PUNCH!
some hedgefunds know well, that next week is the real EXPLOSION, look at cramer, he coming out sh*tting gme right before the BIGGEST option CHAIN EVER set to expire ITM , pretty sure the 80 usd you saw was some institutions betting against gme dont wannt to hold the BAG next week and smart enough going long now instead of keep shorting !
a total annihilation follows if the smart investors keep up buying pressure this week!!
with DFV again posting , there wont be any better buy opportunity !! ( he is right in time RIGHT BEFORE OPEX ) of course he is right again , like always . he makes no mistakes
keep in mind that GME back in january "dipped" from 40 usd to 15 ., 2 days after ONLY TO RUN TO OVER DIRECTLY 120+( 480 pre split) its all ALMOST EXACT SAME ! back then also the next week was a massive option chain ITM !
ITS ALL UP TO YOU , you know gme always run in MAY EVERY year due to the OPEX expire , and guess what ? NEXT WEEK ITS FINALLY t+2 of opex again!!
if your opponent is scared, its time to DOUBLE DOWN!! GME IS RIGHT NOW AT ONLY 26 USD !! OUR CEO BOUGHT MORE AT 26 !! and hasnt sold 1 share !!
of course i bought 2 days ago 505 shares more with the knowledge of the facts( check my post history) and more BUYING tomorrow !
I am a Challenger. 80 usd i didnt even THOUGHT about sell 1 of my shares . i dont want a system where hedgefunds always win and are allowed to bully everyone. whats that ?
over 2500 usd were paid for 1 share back 2021 in DARKPOOL . something above should be the offer. thanks
and a bit more RESPECT for gme shareholders in the media . Free press CNBC , bloomberg , reuters, wsj, Thanks For nonstop bring unbiased article about the company .
shame on from hedgefunds controlled media for blaming retail as the Evil who tries to destroy something. Never forget , hedgefunds sold more shares than exist only to bankrupt and profit of it .
What a system