I don't care about a dip, I didn't care it went up it in the first place.

That's the difference between me and you, you buy stock to make money, I make money just to buy the stock.

Also I wanna note that, and I havent seen that in the past years, the run up to $30 was very clean. Just steadily increasing, even though it got beaten down at almost every opening it closed green. Without any halts. Without any weird jumps. Just a "natural" increase in stock price which is logical for a company with 5 bil in the bank and so much opportunity to make that money work. Gamestop is really the only gaming store out there that survived and has somewhat of a global brand recognition.

I have faith in the company, and I feel the price doesn't reflect the value.

If you take a critical look at the company it's in very good shape, losses went down. Profit went up. Hype went up, hype went down.

Some of you are here to stay, some of you don't. If you are not, that's a shame. I've always enjoyed lurking here but I hate seeing people jump on the wrong bandwagon.