Retail set up for failure

A lot of people are saying (or confirming) the price moved in AH before any news article was released which is proving that it was a fake article to cover FTds being covered. Which I can understand the rationale behind that.

However, I think all this does confirm to us that the whole fucking rigged system is set up benefit Hedgefunds.

Any news we see is known by many before it happens. I guarantee that Hedgefunds have reporters in their pocket to 'tip off' any news to them before it's printed.

They get better data than retail. They get news before us and before it's printed. They even make money on trades we make as we make them.

Can somebody explain to me the benefit of T+2 on all transactions? Surely it's just a way to delay our trades so they have 2 days to make money from us before we try make some money

After MOASS in leaving the stock market and my only connection to it will be my DRS'd GME shares