Should Switch get a weird “final”hardware revision?

With Switch 2 coming and potentially launching at a higher price point, I’ve been wondering whether Nintendo might eventually launch an even cheaper (or higher margjn) Switch 1 model and keep it in the market for a few more years.

It doesn’t seem necessary because the Switch Lite already serves that purpose, but I’d love to see Nintendo maintain their tradition of doing really bizarre hardware revisions at the end of a system’s lifespan.

How would you feel about this??

With Switch 2 coming and potentially launching at a higher price point, I’ve been wondering whether Nintendo might eventually launch an even cheaper (or higher margjn) Switch 1 model and keep it in the market for a few more years.

It doesn’t seem necessary because the Switch Lite already serves that purpose, but I’d love to see Nintendo maintain their tradition of doing really bizarre hardware revisions at the end of a system’s lifespan.

How would you feel about this??