Want a SBB clock on your computer?

A strange question indeed! But today, I’m here to share a little curiosity I developed during a moment of boredom. For context, I’m a computer scientist, and in my spare time, I enjoy browsing GitHub. (For those unfamiliar, it's the largest open-source project website, but anyway.) I discovered that our dear former federal railway company uses GitHub and has open-sourced quite a few projects. I stumbled upon one of their projects: the iconic SBB clock in digital form.


So, I had fun forking the original repo to create a simple web page that displays the time using the SBB clock. A friend of mine even integrated it into the watercooling system of his PC!

You can also enjoy it via the web page: https://cff-clock.slyc.ch/. And for those with a GitHub account, a little star on the project or feedback for improving the page would be appreciated haha: https://github.com/SlendyMilky/CFF-Clock.

Originally, I had posted this on r/suisse, the French counterpart of this sub, and I thought that since it generated quite a few comments, why not share it with my dear compatriots from across the Sarine as well :D

That's it for now; I have another equally useless project that could caught your curiosity, which I might post later this week :)