So is the music as annoying at 1x speed

I swear half of this ep is scored with Awkward Cafe - Mr Smith which is just. walking up and down the same 3 notes in a minor scale over and over. Listening to it by itself I can tell there's some more texture to it, but when you put it under speech it literally just sounds like 1 2 3 2 1 2 3 2 3 2 1 2.

Actually yeah let me time this. it starts after the ad read @ 15:15 and continues until they realize that they're here to apologize, @ 40:57 making it 25:00 of playtime in a 49:00 episode.

Now listen. I am the first to say I love a repetitive music. I have listened to that 30s "these are cattails" Len kagamine cover for like 18 hours straight. but come on come onnnnn. find other music or just have the music come in for the exciting bits.

alternatively I think mbmbam should adopt this like for all of munch squad there should be a snare beat under it.