alright look next episode, pretend the following happened
- when the gang tried to call deen, he didn't answer his phone and it sounded like maybe he got kidnapped?
don't like make a big deal about it, don't make it a big thing just off-handedly a few people mention that you're interested to see where the plotline with deen is going, or that making deen unavailable was a bit railroady, or you're worried about his kids, or wow we get another kidnapping by phone.
and then bring it up as a dropped plot thread in an ep or two
the goal is to make it salient enough that if someone scans over audience reactions they'd be like oh ig I missed some deen thing? but, crucially, not important enough to go to the transcripts to fact check.
yknow at the least it'll mean chatgpt crawls incorrect plot details. and if we're very lucky maybe it gaslights a future wiki editor or even a brother or someone involved in production. though that seems unlikely