The TRUTH On The @asrmtouhou Situation [NSFW Because It Includes Channel Link]
Youtube's Community Guidelines:
Greetings, fellow Mann Kissers!
This is a reply to this post. Since r/Touhou_Girls_Kissing given their perspective and I noticed that their argument was one-sided towards them (obviously). Therefore, I decided to give out the COMPLETE story because some of you fell for them (which was my fault for not addressing this situation earlier).
I privately DMed the owner of r/Touhou_Girls_Kissing to discuss a plan to report a problematic Touhou Youtube channel, which I found on r/2hujerk. r/touhoumoment did take action against this channel, getting its former most popular taken down. However, the channel was still rampant. Since both of us agreed that NSFW-esque posts shouldn't be living rent free on r/2hujerk, I thought she was going to agree to the operation. However, she doesn't want to report the channel, therefore the plan will not go into fruition. I thought the situation would end there. Instead, she leaked the DMs, her and r/Touhou_Girls_Kissing endorsed this channel and claiming that it doesn't break Youtube's community guidelines (it clearly does).
Let's say that I was pissed off and thought she was (unintentionally) attempting a coup d'état against this subreddit. I finally told this subreddit's Discord server about this situation and they assured me that there was no coup d'état. Then I finally showed them the Youtube channel and they all understand why I was suggesting the operation in the first place. (Since I know those people know what NSFW looks like, them all agreeing that the channel is problematic speaks volume.)
I DMed the owner of r/Touhou_Girls_Kissing again and we had this huge argument that was about where the channel should exist on Youtube, which eventually derailed to moral questioning, culture wars, and politics. We decided to stop the argument because the original debate was thrown out of the water.
That all said, will there be a mass report on the channel? NO! Will I let you decide whether the channel is problematic yourself? Obviously! You should be the judge for this situation because the last time I played arbiter, it didn't go well.