I just finished watching Daryl Dixon. It sucked.

The good thing is it's only six episodes. The first episode was nothing special. I almost stopped watching when Daryl walked backwards into the tripwire after avoiding the first one. That was so cheap and so out of character for him. I kept watching to finish it out, hoping for it to get better. The next episode didn't improve anything and the show just kept getting worse. And worse. And worse.

It's boring. The dialogue is mostly muffled. Had to watch a lot of it with subtitles on for the English parts. The CGI was very bad in too many places. It was a poor use of the Daryl Dixon character. The directing and some of the acting was as bad as the writing. When the zombies were falling from the windows and Issa was just standing there, frozen with fear, that whole scene was terrible. How was she able to hold off zombie Quinn for so long before the boy killed him? Stephane killing his own people at the climax was the worst Deus Ex Machina this show has ever done That was just some of the laziest writing I've ever seen. They didn't know how to finish things off so that's what we got. Pathetic.

This show was garbage and a waste of time. I thought it'd tie-in somehow to the debut of The Ones Who Live. Nope. I saw some of the rave reviews for this show. They're either completely fake or people don't know what good tv is anymore because this show ain't it. I didn't bother watching the Maggie and Negan show because I don't really care about either of them. Not so sure that I want to watch TOWL now and that's a damn shame.

Daryl Dixon gets two out of ten stars from me. Fucking trash.