Hands doesn't have to defend anything else than valve and fusebox
Yeah you heard me. Im not gonna run around like a clown when my main objective is to defend fusebox and valve. The only exception for Hands to ripstall a generator is at family house and nancy's house, because there is still time to make it before a victim escapes. Hands is a CENTER MID player that patrols the center of the map close to his defending objectives. Battery turned off? Generator turned off? Not my problem. You shouldn't have been fuckin around in the basement. So what exactly can a Hands player contribute with except defending valve and fusebox? 1. Helping cutting off victims when they get chased in the middle of the map. 2. Intervene when family member is wrestling. 3. Check on grandpa every now and then when he is being filled up with blood. 4. Patroling the mid area of the map. 5. Setting up traps. That's it. Go on and roast me if you want to but Im gonna die on that hill.