10 sessions down - losing hope

TW for last image.

I started the removal process July 2022, the calf tattoo (first one) reacted so badly I went elsewhere after 6 months. After three sessions there and minimal change I went to NAAMA in London as it sells itself as a high-end, painless laser that you can go to every three weeks if you want. I’ve had 10 sessions on my calf tattoo and it is still very visible. Some of my skin is starting to look scarred. The last photo on the slide was how bad my reaction was to my 10th session, it took ages to heal. Blisters kept bursting, it was sore to walk. I couldn’t go to the gym etc. It seems that area is really hard to treat because it is last to get any of that good circulation. Now I’ve started, I can’t give up but it is such a slog, and I’m damaging my skin along the way.