Update: First two crusade games didn't feel good. I need a break after playing.
I played 10th edition recently today and it didn't feel good. Not at all. The first round was fine, I was playing death guard with my 980 point list and I did a bunch of things to contest the points and make a nuisance of myself.
But the second game was Imperial Guard. I don't like 10th editions terrain rules, because my technicality all my terrain on my opponents side was out of sight and all my pieces had holes and brackets to shoot me through, so I was in light cover. I didn't even set up the board, it was supposed to be an unbiased friend. I know he was doing it as a way to be fair but I just... I didn't feel good. How do people deal with crushing losses like this? Because this crusade game just feels like point matches with new leveling up and steps.
I don't need help on list building, I just need help getting through his because I feel horribly low right now