How would you handle this parent/student situation?

Situation: You're a middle school math teacher. 90% of your class scores over 75% on every quiz. (Note: this is not a high-achieving school. Half of your students scored in the lowest quartile for math in the beginning of the year) Mid-year math assessment shows significant growth overall.

You have a student who is absent at least 4 days a month and comes to you at the end of EVERY lesson (not some, EVERY lesson) and says "I don't get it". When you ask the student what they don't get, they say "I don't know what to do, I don't get it." This student often says "I don't get it" halfway through the first example (of many) and then slumps in their seat for the next 5 minutes, sometimes with their head down. This student is general ed. No IEP, no 504. Amongst the other students, nearly all can complete the work successfully independently and ALL have at least some idea of what to do. When you direct the student to the videos you post online that provide a synopsis of every single lesson, they say that they don't get the videos either. When you direct them to the notes you post online, they say they don't get those either.

When you refuse to repeat the lesson in a 1-1 setting with this student (daily), they go home and tell their parents you're refusing to help them and don't care about them. Parents are enablers.

What would you do?