Concerns about newly appointed HoD…

I’m three months in to being led by a new HoD, and my concerns about their ability to teach, never mind lead a department, are growing by the day.

I’ll not bore with all the issues that have arisen since their appointment, but I will say they were appointed despite objections from members of the interview panel and were one of only two people interviewed for the position. It screams panic appointing, because looking at their CV they are woefully unfit to fill this role.

We are entering mock GCSE fortnight and, as a practical subject, there is a lot of planning and preparation required. I covered one of their Y11 classes recently so was catching up with pupils on their development and prep for their mock. Only two pupils had a clue as to what they were going to do, most had no plan, some didn’t even know what they were meant to be doing in the mock. None are up to date with their portfolios. Some told me that the HoD had not spoken to them in weeks.

The same concerns have been shared from the Y13 group about her ability and experience. Fortunately I have 50% of their timetable so they are at least up to date and have been taught.

I am fairly new to the school (September 2023) and had an excellent relationship with my previous HoD, who was also young but amazing at her job. The difference in ability between her and the new HoD is startling.

My question…do I approach SLT with my concerns and potentially create an awkward and uncomfortable atmosphere in the department? I have spoken to her several times to make it clear that there are things she’s not doing (in as polite a way as I can!) but there’s little I can do to make things better for the students who are being impacted by her poor teaching. She’s being put through QTS assessment only as her qualifications are from overseas, so I have made her assessor and mentor aware.

I’m just tired of mopping up after her and worrying about how poorly these kids are being taught.