AITA - Working 8-4(ish)

I teach Science.

I get to work around 8 most days, often a bit later. First lessons begin just before 9.

I leave at 4 most days, 5 if I am running a club or CPD.

I don't take work home (and if I did, realistically its not getting done).

I don't work weekends.

I don't take on additional responsibilites.

That's all. If marking is such that I can't ger it done in this time frame, it simply isn't getting done. The only exceptions to this are large summative assessment periods (Y11/12/13 mocks). My productivity hits rock bottom when needing to plan or deal with complex, boring tasks, such as planning lessons from scratch. I'll get it done, but I'll often miss deadlines for this.

My lesson teaching is good, I'm well liked by colleagues and students, and I enjoy the job how I do it now, but doing anything further would definitely detract from that, and to be honest I don't centre my life around work, so I don't let it get to me.

I figured I'd put this out here due to what I read on here form other teachers and generally how my colleagues approach their work. I somewhat resent the presumption in what they say in taking work etc. home. I have needed to set my own boundaries on work, lest I lose the joy from the craft. I guess I might be in a somewhat privilaged position, as it would be quite easy to find a vacancy to fill if a school didn't fit me, but this has never happened.