It gets better!

Hey everybody. My TE has finally come to an end! The shedding began in late August after I suffered from a horrible fever in May and it was the most traumatic thing ever! I was losing more than 1000 strands on wash days and my hair had become extremely dry, tangled and lifeless. I used to hold in tears when I saw thick bunches just fall out of my previously thick and waist-length hair. I got an an anti-dandruff shampoo along with various iron, zinc, VitD supplements and have been taking all this consistently. It reached a peak at the end of October and November end it started to slow down and stopped completely mid-December. Now, I see plenty of regrowth and barely any hair in the shower. This is to give some hope to all the other people thinking they are going to go bald. Stop worrying, there is an end in sight!